Quincy > Songs > Bluebirds > Every Time Played

Appears on: Prism Pantone

Bluebirds has been played by Quincy 2 times, across 1 show(s).
It was played at 33.33% of Quincy shows.
It was last played 2019-06-17, which was 2 show(s) ago.
There have been 2 show(s) since the live debut.
Since its debut, "Bluebirds" has been played, on average, once every 2 show(s).

Bluebirds has also been performed by The Mugs 21 times.Bluebirds has also been performed by Johnny Knuckles and the Skidmarks 1 time.

Every Time Played by Quincy

Date Played Venue Show Gap SetSong Before Song After Footnote
2019-06-17 Horseshoe Coliseum, San Francisco, CA11Orange Peel Purple Horseshoes
2019-06-17 Horseshoe Coliseum, San Francisco, CA0e*** ***

Show dates with this style indicate a Notable Jam. This song is marked "Notable Jam" 1 time(s).

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