Country > USA > Overview
- № shows92
- № songs 837
- № unique songs 101
- № unique originals 63
- № unique covers 11
- № venues 43
- № tours 12
- February 20
- September 11
- July 9
- August 9
- January 8
- May 7
- November 6
- December 6
- June 6
- March 4
- April 4
- October 2
- Thursday 16
- Wednesday 16
- Tuesday 15
- Monday 14
- Friday 13
- Saturday 11
- Sunday 7
- San Francisco, CA 13
- Simsbury, CT 12
- Palm Sap, FL 7
- Crow Buttes, SD 6
- Sacramento, CA 5
- Santa Fe, NM 5
- San Fran, CA 4
- Mellon Collie, CO 4
- Burlington, VT 4
- South Bend, IN 4
- 2025-02-15, RIBCO
- 2025-02-14, Tulagi's
- 2025-02-12, Gameworks
- 2025-02-11, Grape Center
- 2025-02-09, Henfling's
- 2025-02-08, The Barrymore Theatre
- 2025-02-06, Mondo's
- 2025-02-03, Battery Park
- 2025-02-02, Jamboree Campground
- 2025-02-01, Club Electra
- 2025-01-31, Trilogy
- 2024-12-30, Tongue-N-Groove
- 2024-12-14, Potowatomi Park
- 2024-11-02, Vino Plaza
- 2024-09-17, Battery Park
- 2024-07-10, Tongue-N-Groove
- 2024-07-08, Wetlands Preserve
- 2024-07-06, Tulagi's
- 2024-07-03, Gameworks
- 2024-04-06, Jamboree Campground
- 2024-04-04, American Legion Hall
- 2024-02-07, The Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum
- 2024-02-05, The Rave Underground
- 2024-02-02, Legends Lounge
- 2024-02-01, Palladium Stadium
- 2024-01-31, Bone Center
- 2023-12-22, Potowatomi Park
- 2023-11-17, The Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum
- 2023-10-08, Mondo's
- 2023-09-26, Tongue-N-Groove
- 2023-09-26, The Iron Horse
- 2023-09-21, Club Electra
- 2023-09-13, Battery Park
- 2023-09-06, Battery Park
- 2023-09-03, Cheers
- 2023-08-29, Tongue-N-Groove
- 2023-08-21, The Marshmallow Room
- 2023-08-18, Vino Plaza
- 2023-08-01, Marlo's Basement
- 2023-08-01, Bone Center
- 2023-07-15, Isaac's Basement
- 2023-07-14, Bone Center
- 2023-06-14, Palladium Stadium
- 2023-05-13, Bell's Brewery
- 2023-03-09, Kevin's Go Kart Alley
- 2023-03-08, The Marshmallow Room
- 2023-03-06, Palladium Stadium
- 2023-02-25, Drew's Backyard
- 2023-02-23, Justin's Backyard
- 2023-02-06, Palladium Stadium
- 2023-02-06, Steam Center
- 2023-02-01, Vino Plaza
- 2023-01-05, Rainbow Arena
- 2023-01-01, Bone Center
- 2022-11-18, Trilogy
- 2022-11-01, Vino Plaza
- 2022-08-17, Rainbow Arena
- 2022-08-08, The Marshmallow Room
- 2022-07-25, Bone Center
- 2022-07-14, Palladium Stadium
- 2022-06-20, Palladium Stadium
- 2022-06-20, Rainbow Arena
- 2022-06-14, The Marshmallow Room
- 2022-06-09, Steam Center
- 2022-06-08, Bone Center
- 2022-05-26, Vino Plaza
- 2022-05-25, Rainbow Arena
- 2022-05-24, Bog Plaza
- 2022-05-19, The Barf Bag Room
- 2022-05-18, Rainbow Arena
- 2022-05-06, Bog Plaza
- 2022-04-28, Steam Center
- 2022-01-30, Bone Center
- 2022-01-28, The Ube Club
- 2022-01-28, The Ube Club
- 2022-01-26, Steam Center
- 2021-12-17, The Barf Bag Room
- 2021-12-14, Fog Palace
- 2021-09-21, The Prune Room
- 2021-09-13, Grape Center
- 2021-09-10, Grape Center
- 2021-09-09, Rainbow Arena
- 2021-08-25, The Plum Ballroom
- 2021-04-01, Rainbow Arena
- 2021-03-23, Grape Center
- 2021-02-16, Grape Center
- 2020-11-21, Rainbow Arena
- 2020-11-02, Horseshoe Coliseum
- 2020-10-01, Horseshoe Coliseum
- 2020-07-16, The Plum Ballroom
- 2019-12-10, Kevin's Go Kart Alley
- 2019-08-18, The Plum Ballroom
Shows By Year
Unique Songs By Year